Are you searching for the best place to develop your agricultural enterprise skills for business sustainability?

Our digital agribusiness school is your choice! This platform provides targeted top-notch agribusiness management training to aspiring or existing agri-preneurs anytime.

About the Solution

Our Digital Agribusiness is set to breed world-class agri-incubation managers, farm managers, and agri-preneurs through efficiently delivered digital, flexible, low-cost, accessible, practical-oriented training and mentoring. This digital agribusiness school engages a blended training approach to offer robust, quality, and diversified agricultural information, knowledge, and education to African youths via its digital-based agri-empowerment training and mentoring tailored to enhance their meaningful engagement in Africa’s sustainable agricultural enterprise. The digital school will provide accessible, digitally interactive web and mobile-based, practical-oriented, low-cost agricultural enterprise training, coaching, and mentoring to African youths. Our training offers African youths the skills to sustainably initiate, develop, and manage agricultural enterprises, including crops, livestock, and agri-value additions. Our leading-edge includes fully digitized training packages accessible anytime, anywhere.

  • Continental Scope: Contents are developed by African agricultural top-notched experts focusing on the African agricultural landscape and preferring solutions to her agricultural problems
  • Novel high-impact learning model: we will engage a high-impact blended learning model including Theoretical, Video-based real-time practical with learning by doing and Mentoring and role modeling (TVM&RM-model)
  • Research-driven&Robust Contents: Contents are research-driven developed in-line with best agricultural good practices with added focus on conservation agriculture-climate smart agriculture, sustainable agribusiness management, agricultural health, precision agriculture
  • Practical and result oriented: Training has real-time digital based practical to translating learning to application for sustainable and profitable agribusiness ventures in Africa

With this model, we empower African youths in agriculture, leading to youth employment, reduced youth restiveness, and other social vices perpetuated by youths (SDG 8). This model translates to more food production, reducing hunger, enhancing food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture (SDG 1). It will generate income for farming households & reduce poverty (SDG 2). Agricultural methods taught are safe and healthy, promoting healthy lives (SGD 3). We focus on conservational agriculture, enhancing environmental sustainability, and combating climate change (SDG 13&15).

We have courses on the following: General Agribusiness Management for aspiring or existing agri-preneurs, Advanced Specialized Agribusiness Management for Managers and livestock options, Agricultural Climate Risk Management course, Agricultural Resource and Investment Management course, Agricultural Health and Environmental Economics course, Agri-Value Additions Course, among others.

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